N3v3r G1v3 uP

Setting Up UTP

06/10/2009 21:15

This brief tutorial really suitable for the current computer network to make cheap, especially for more than 2 clients, with using hub much cheaper than a router. What is UTP cable? UTP cable is a special cable for data transmission.

UTP is stands for "unshielded Twisted Pair". It is called unshielded because less resistant to electromagnetic interference. And called twisted pair its because there are couples who arranged spiral cable twisted each other. There are 5 categories of UTP cable. From category 1 to category 5.

Category 3 can be used for data transmission up to 10 mbps, while the category 5 for transmition data up to 100 mbps.


To Setting up this mode see bellow:

1: light orange
2: dark orange
3: light green
4: dark blue
5: light blue
6: dark green
7: light brown
8: Dark Brown


To make this mode first step must be do is like make straight cable mode

  1. light orange
  2. dark orange
  3. light green
  4. dark blue
  5. light blue
  6. dark green
  7. light brown
  8. dark brown

and the second step we have to do is

  1. light green
  2. dark green
  3. light orange
  4. dark blue
  5. light blue
  6. dark orange
  7. light brown
  8. dark brown

LAN TESTER - a tool to test knowing the cable is connected properly or not.


Topic: Setting Up UTP

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