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Manual Setting Ip Address on Linux

06/10/2009 19:36

Setting IP ADDRESS on Linux really is really  easy as setting the IP ADDRESS windows machine. GUI Front for any IP Address Setting It's much better on Linux GTK, QT, as well as Curses based on Slackware's pkgtool.

But it's good that we know how to set IP address manually, because maybe someday we will be faced with a situation where we can not use the Desktop System at all.

In doing Setting IP Address on Linux the first thing to note is the address or the naming of Ethernet to be used, for example eth0, eth1, the DST. After the naming of Ethernet Device is known, then the next step is to set IP Address by using the following this command.

for the first step we must login to the root after we have already on the root type this command.

ifconfig eth0

command is an illustration of setting the IP address on interface eth0.

ifconfig eth0 netmask

Command is illustrated by setting IP address on interface eth0 all used to determine the netmask.
After the IP Address defined the next step is setting up the default gateway to be used, can be done with the command.

route add default gw

Illustrates the setup of the command that the default gateway will be used on the IP address The next step is to do the DNS settings to use, it can be done by editing the file "/ etc / resolv.conf" to determine the address of the DNS is used.

nameserver  nameserver



Topic: Manual Setting Ip Address on Linux

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